Overcome Video Fear by Supporting a Great Cause
Do you feel UNCOMFORTABLE on VIDEO? I used to feel pretty awkward when I set up my video camera, but not anymore! All those worries about how I look and sound, or the concerns about my viewers judging me went away once I realized I was focusing on the WRONG thing… myself!
Well, here is the hard truth. WE NEED TO GET OVER OURSELVES. GET OVER OUR EGOS. Stop making excuses and start executing because video is really just a form of communication.
Like email, text, phone calls, in-person networking… video is just another way to TALK to people about things that YOU care about and THEY care about. That’s it.
Too often, the reason we don’t use video enough (or at all) is because we’re too focused on ourselves. We need to shift the focus ELSEWHERE and that makes it so much easier. Plus, when we start to focus instead on helping or providing value to OTHER PEOPLE, it’s going to result in better content anyways.
So what should you do?
One easy way to make an impactful video (without the focus being on yourself) is to create a video around something you’re PASSIONATE about. Your passion will DRIVE the video (not your fears) and people will relate to it more easily.
Try this. Make a video about a non-profit organization, charity or a cause you’re passionate about. No need to script it. Just tell the story… especially if it’s personal in some way.
Tell people the following:
- Why are you passionate about that cause or non-profit?
- What do they do? And what impact have they made on the community or larger world? Did they impact someone YOU know?
- How can people help? By donating money, time or other resources?
Create that video, and then send it out to your network (through email or text) and post it several times on social media. Appeal for donations too if that’s a way you can help out this cause.
Don’t worry about branding or mentioning your company in the video. Ultimately, your face IS your brand so you are branding it (without being obnoxious).
So just create a video like this, distribute it and see what happens! I bet you will #1: raise a lot of awareness and money for a great cause #2: connect better with your network (SOI) and #3: be fairly proud of yourself (and your video) because of those results.
A win like that is sometimes what we need to get over ourselves and see that video really isn’t that scary. The benefits far outweigh the pain. Plus, this strategy shows your audience a different side of you AND creates positive feelings/goodwill towards your personal brand.
If you’re interested in this idea, Business Video School is holding a FREE Fundraising Video Challenge from November 15-December 31, 2021 to teach real estate agents how to make fundraising videos and support non-profits during the Season of Giving! This Challenge is team-based so that groups of agents can work together to fundraise for great causes. Think about forming a team for the Challenge, asking your broker to form a team with agents from your brokerage… or just get out there and make the video yourself!
There is no better time than now.
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