Creating a Sense of Urgency In The Listing Appointment
One of the more frustrating things that real estate agents face is the homeowner that isn’t fully committed to listing their house. Maybe they aren’t sure if it’s the right time to list their home, or maybe they feel like they have all the time in the world!
This is when you need to create a sense of urgency and be a little more aggressive in the listing appointment. Now, don’t misunderstand me when I say, “more aggressive.”
In our Power Agent® program, we spend a lot of time in our coaching calls learning how to serve and coach our clients, because our philosophy is that agents serve people, they don’t sell people. They coach clients, they don’t close clients. Being more aggressive isn’t about using a hard sell technique, it’s about communicating the sense of urgency which is for the benefit of the homeowner.
Building Up The Urgency
There are several ways to go about this. You can remind them that RIGHT NOW, the market is hot. It’s a seller’s market, BUT the market could be starting to cool now as more houses are coming on the market. Every day their house isn’t listed with you (or any agent, for that matter), they are losing money.
Let’s look at it this way:
Most buyers who are looking for a new home look on evenings and weekends, likely just the weekends for many who work full time. Right now, if they are looking to get into a new home before New Year’s, we need to look at the calendar. That gives the clients October, November, and December — 3 months.
Except…it isn’t really 3 months. If it takes a month to close on a house in your market, that means they are down to 2 months. BUT, it isn’t really 2 months because most buyers only look on the weekends, which means that 2 months is actually 8 weekends to have their house on the market to take advantage of the best activity. If they don’t list by THIS weekend, they are down to 7 weekends. If they don’t list by next weekend, that leaves them only 6 weekends in order to take advantage of the hot market and the increased buyer activity.
Every week they delay is less and less time to take advantage of this market, which is why it’s vital to instill in them the sense of urgency — they are losing money with every week they put it off, and you don’t want to see them miss out on getting the best possible price for their home.
Ready, Set, Go!
Are you ready to start taking things to the next level? Building listing inventory and communicating value are top priorities. Download our free eguide, The 12 Best Ideas to Generate Listing Leads in 30 Days.
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