The majority of us make our New Year’s resolutions and goals on January 1st. However, January may not be the best month to get started on your goals. Jumping directly into your new year goals can lead to exhaustion or even abandonment of your dreams into the new year. “I can’t change the direction of […]

Whether in life or business, everyone explores motivation when it comes to achieving extraordinary success. Motivation, in my opinion, is really essential. Whatever you want to do in life, it all starts with your drive and motivation. In order to take action and form habits, you must be motivated. While we cannot rely only on […]

Do you struggle to make New Year’s resolutions only to abandon it weeks later? Most likely, this is due to your resolution being too broad. “Start a Facebook business page” or “Hire a marketing assistant” are both good goals, but they don’t provide a way to get there. If you’ve depended on word-of-mouth and networking […]

A CRM is more than just a list of contacts. The data gathered from your transactions will assist you in running a more efficient and lucrative business. If you aren’t using a CRM to its fullest potential, here are 5 rules that will help you develop your business in a goldmine: Create a solid database. […]

One of the most frequently asked questions at LCA is, “How much time should real estate agents spend on lead generation every day?” It is recommended by many successful real estate agents and some of the top real estate coaches that three hours of lead generation per day is what is needed for a six-figure […]

I’ve done Facebook ads for years and I have come to the conclusion that seller campaigns just are not effective, and in order to get sellers you have to ask the right questions to buyer leads. For example: If you ask, “Do you have a home to sell,” you may never truly know if they […]

Every so often I like to talk about boundaries. Now, let me preface: this is just me and how I operate. We all run our businesses differently and that’s one of the beauties of real estate. I just choose to stop and smell the flowers more often. What sparked me to write this blog is, […]

I have always found it interesting and wonderful that real estate is one of the only industries where competing companies come together for one common goal—to make the client happy while bringing the transaction of a home sale and purchase together. You will never see Nike and Reebok help each other sell shoes, or Pepsi […]

I’ll just get to the point. I suffer from depression. No, it’s not just a case of feeling sad or down because I’ve had a bad day. I can’t just “snap out of it.” It’s a feeling that is almost impossible to describe because there are different levels for different people. For me, though, it […]