Apr 27, 2018 by - Michael J. Maher

Rituals of SuperProducers

Do you ever wonder how the SuperProducers got to be so successful? Do you wonder how you can make your own business flourish?
The quick answer is Rituals!

Here are 4 easy rituals that will easily jumpstart your production:

Step One:

Before you leave the office, take 15-30 minutes to get set up for the next day.
Start by organizing your desk and environment. De-clutter your space and remove any boxes, folders, papers, etc. that have piled up. If you haven’t used it in the last 6 months, get rid of it. File away important papers so they are off your desk, but easy to find. Give yourself a clean, distraction-free work environment. Doesn’t mean your desk is totally clear… just organized.

Step Two:

After you’ve organized your desk for the day, write up your 1st and 10 and leave it on your keyboard or in your Blessings Book.
This is a list of ten people you will call first thing in the morning, before you do anything else at work. In your list, include the person’s name, phone number, and why you are calling them. Are you thanking them for a referral or asking them for a testimonial? Are they a referral you wanted to follow up with or a client you wanted to schedule a showing with? Starting your workday with an actionable call list can help you create a productivity snowball effect that will motivate you until the end of the day—and help you avoid the electronic black hole that can sometimes happen from computer and phone activities.

Step Three:

Once you’ve written out your 1st and 10 list, write down your Top 3 to-dos for the next day.
These are the three things that you ABSOLUTELY MUST DO the next day. Figure out what they are today so that you can start mulling them over for tomorrow.

Step Four:

The last step is the most critical and often, the most difficult—LEAVE!—yes, leave the office.
Go home. Hug your family. Hug your pets. It can be tempting to make one more phone call or check your email one last time, but it’s important to give yourself time at the end of the day to be away from work so you can come back in the next day refreshed and ready to tackle your list.

Four easy steps that will make your whole next day easier and smoother. These ideas are simple but they are a compilation of what the SuperProducers are doing to be super-productive—and happier.


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